Mitchell Alland
Mitchell Alland, Chief Executive Officer Emerging Metals.
"Mr. Alland has a distinguished career in the mining and finance sectors. Most recently, he was a founding shareholder and CEO of AIM-listed Copper Resources Corporation (CRC). CRC has three copper projects in the Congo, one of which is under construction and expected to commence production at the rate of 50,000 tonnes per annum in 2008. Prior thereto, Mr. Alland had a 23-year career at the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation (IFC), its affiliate responsible for private sector project financing in developing countries. He has broad-based experience in finance and management, including exposure as manager, investor, merchant banker and financial advisor.
"Mr. Alland has extensive experience with mining projects worldwide, starting with early attempts in the 1970s to develop the Tenke-Fungurume copper project in Congo (then Zaire), and, following, in 1975 to 1986, with major projects by Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines, ZCCM, (then Nchanga Consolidated Copper Mines, NCCM), including the financing and review of the company’s major expansion projects, among them its major copper tailings leach and cobalt projects, as well as supervision of the company’s activities throughout the period. Mr. Alland’s subsequent activities in minerals and mining involved the LAMCO iron ore project in Liberia, the MIBA diamond project and the Kilimoto gold project in Congo (Zaire), and financing of the Alucam (Pechiney) aluminum smelter in Cameroon. Subsequent experience in 1990 to 1992 involved mining projects in South America, including Escondida (copper) in Chile, Comsur, largest private mining company in Bolivia, Yanacocha (gold) and Southern Peru Copper in Peru. Mr. Alland was board director of Comsur and alternate director of Escondida.
"Mr. Alland holds an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School and a B.A. from Harvard College. He speaks English, French, German, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish and Thai." [1]