Monte Ullman

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Biographical Information

Monte Ullman died in 2008.

"He was an intellectual who furthered the dream work of Freud and Jung. As Jung advanced the work of Freud, Ullman enlarged on Jung’s archetypes and the collective unconscious by proposing that dream images have metaphorical meaning unique to the individual and thus created a revolution in the way dreams had been perceived for most of the last century...

"His career began as a 14 year old boy with a fascination in parapsychology, consciousness and immortality. He and a group of youngsters engaged in Saturday night sittings for a two year period and the boys believed they received evidence from a Dr. Bindelof, purportedly a physician whose mission was to heal. These sittings were documented in his paper entitled “The Bindelof Story.” Upon entering medical school, he continued to pursue these interests by seriously engaging in the study of the human mind. Having established a Community Mental Health Center at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, he set up the first sleep and dream laboratory in the United States conducting experiments on the physiology of dreaming and possible evidence of telepathic consciousness in dreaming...

"Monte Ullman’s career which began with parapsychology, advanced to medicine (neurology and psychiatry), led to a fascination with dreaming consciousness and telepathy, and ultimately arrived at a relationship of dreaming to quantum physics. This step by step progression harkened back to heightened states of consciousness and the question of consciousness surviving bodily death, reflecting back on his experiences in the Bindelof sittings. Monte, seeking answers beyond his own field of psychiatry, was drawn to physicist David Bohm’s theory of the implicate order, an order of wholeness that includes a theoretical melding of various levels of consciousness, including dreaming and waking consciousness. He found that the connectedness experienced in dream group work was a feature of Bohm’s implicate order. Expanding on Jung’s collective unconscious, Monte referred to the universal unconscious..."[1]

Ullman was also Clinical Professor of Psychiatry Emeritus atAlbert Einstein College of Medicine and was a president of both the Parapsychological Association and of the American Society for Psychical Research.


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  1. cosmicdreaming Monte Ullman, organizational web page, accessed July 24, 2013.