Morgan Creek 7

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{{#badges: CoalSwarm}} Morgan Creek Units 7 was planned to be built alongside a 6-unit set of power plants fired by natural gas near Colorado City, Texas.[1]

As part of a $45 billion buyout by a group of private equity firms, TXU – now named Luminant – settled a series of lawsuits with Environmental Defense and the Natural Resources Defense Council. In an agreement announced on Feb. 26, 2007, TXU agreed to cancel 8 of its planned 11 new Texas coal-fired power plants as well as several new coal-fired plants in Pennsylvania and Virginia, back federal legislation to create a cap-and-trade system regulating CO2 emissions, and double spending on energy efficiency. In return, Environmental Defense and NRDC agreed not to campaign against TXU’s remaining three Texas coal-fired plants.[2]

Morgan Creek 7 was one of the 8 Texas plants that were cancelled under this agreement.

Project Details

Sponsor: Luminant (formerly TXU)
Location: Colorado City, TX
Capacity: 1716 MW
Status: Cancelled (2/07)


Citizen Groups



  1. Emissions from Recently Permitted and Proposed Coal Burning Power Plants, Stop the Coal Plant website, August 7, 2007.
  2. A Buyout Deal That Has Many Shades of Green, New York Times, February 26, 2007.

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