Myron S Weinberg

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Myron Weinberg is well known through the tobacco archives to have been involved in the recruitment of WhiteCoats for the tobacco industry. These were a special type of paid scientist who were shy of being exposed as corporate lobbyists, so they were generally clustered into pseudo-scientific associations -- both to enhance the individual lobbyist's scientific credibility in the field of expertise (usually IAQ or ETS -- air quality, or health effects of passive smoking), and also provided a money laundering service to hide any payments from later court-room discovery. This also allowed the scientist to maintain that they were 'independent' and had no direction from the tobacco industry. See Asian WhiteCoats.

Weinberg built his company up under the name of the Weinberg Group but his activities when working with the tobacco industry in the recruitment of WhiteCoats and later for Asian WhiteCoats When the true nature of his operations became known, Weinberg re-established the operations under the name Washington Technical Information Group (WTIR).