Myron Weinberg

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{{#badges: Tobaccowiki}} Myron S. Weinberg was a tobacco industry scientific public relations consultant and a founder and principal in the Weinberg Group, a company which his biographical note states is "built around the intersection of science and business."[1]

A biographical note states that "prior to founding The Weinberg Group, Dr. Weinberg was Senior Vice President at Booz, Allen & Hamilton, where he directed biological, chemical, environmental, and regulatory activities. Dr. Weinberg has also held several positions in which he managed laboratories that conducted product development and testing services, as well as chemical, biochemical, and toxicological analyses."[1]

His biographical note states that some of his major achievements have included "the current revitalization of thalidomide" and "the development of a key clause in the Amsterdam Treaty of the European Union."[1]

In a case study promoting the work of the Wienberg Group, Myron Weinberg is quoted stating "When you have a relationship of trust with a client, you can come to them and say, ‘we can help you with your vulnerabilities."[2] (The case study refers to work for an unspecified "major consumer products manufacturer that had been the target of litigation for years").

Contact details

Phone: +1 202.833.8077
Fax: +1 202.833.7057
Email: myron.weinberg AT

Articles and Resources


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 People: Myron S. Weinberg", Weinberg Group, accessed February 2008.
  2. "Case Studies: Product Defense", accessed February 2008.

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