NCS Sugars

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{{#Badges:CoalSwarm|navbar-Indiacoal}}NCS Sugars, the largest company in the NCS Group of Companies, is a sugar refining company with its operations in Andhra Pradesh.the 6th June, 2002. NCS Sugars Limited is one of the sugar factories of the erstwhile Nizam Sugars Limited, a state-owned sugar factory, acquired by the NCS Group. The factory operations under the new management of NCS Sugars had commenced on 17th January 2003.[1]

Proposed coal-fired power stations

NCS Sugars is proposing to build the Latchayapeta power station, a 300 megawatt (MW) coal plant proposed to be built at Lachchayapeta in Andhra Pradesh.

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  1. NCS Sugars, "About us" NCS Sugars website, accessed January 2012.