Naguib Kheraj

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Biographical Information

"A graduate in Economics from the University of Cambridge, Mr Kheraj has held senior management positions in international banking over the course of the past 25 years at Barclays, JP Morgan Cazenove and Salomon Brothers. Mr Kheraj spends the majority of his time in the not-for-profit sector serving on a number of international Boards within the Aga Khan Development Network in the fields of education, healthcare, rural development and culture and is chairman of its endowment fund. Mr Kheraj is a Member of the Investment Committee of Wellcome Trust, a Member of the Board of the UK-US Fulbright Commission, and a Non Executive Director of the National Health Service Commissioning Board." [1]


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  1. US-UK Fulbright Commission Commissioners, organizational web page, accessed November 24, 2013.