Nahas Angula

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Biographical Information

"Prime Minister Angula has been the third Prime Minister of the Republic of Namibia since independence in March 1990. Prior to being appointed Prime Minister in 2005, he was the Minister of Higher Education, Training and Employment Creation, during which he oversaw the establishment of a unified education, cultural and sportive system for the country. He is a Member of the Namibian Parliament and the ruling party’s Politburo and Central Committee, and was a Member of the Constituent Assembly that drafted the country’s Constitution. Prior to Namibia’s independence, he led a delegation of Officers of the People’s Liberation Army of Namibia to negotiate a cease-fire agreement with South African Government. Subsequently, he assumed the task of Voter Registration and Education of the Election Directorate of the South West Africa People’s Organization. He holds M.A. and M.ED. degrees from Columbia University and a Bachelor of Education Degree from the University of Zambia. In 2010, he received the President’s Medal of Excellence from the Teacher’s College at Columbia University." [1]


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  1. Vale Columbia Center on Sustainable International Investment Advisory Board, organizational web page, accessed April 8, 2013.