Nancy Mills

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Biographical Information

"Nancy Mills was appointed interim executive director of the Solidarity Center in October 2009. She has more than 35 years of experience in the labor movement—starting as a hospital worker and local union activist, and then serving as the elected chief executive officer of a large statewide local private and public sector union. She was also an international union executive board member, a vice-president of the Massachusetts AFL-CIO, a national organizing director of the Service Employees International Union, and director of the AFL-CIO’s Workplace Democracy Department before becoming the national AFL-CIO’s deputy chief of staff in 2006.

"A graduate of Antioch College, Ms. Mills has been a visiting lecturer at Harvard University’s Nieman Program as well as Harvard’s Trade Union Program, and she has lectured at a number of community college programs in Boston, Massachusetts. She has also published an op-ed in the Boston Globe and articles in academic labor relations journals.

"Ms. Mills previously worked with the Solidarity Center in the 1990s, to assist Poland’s Solidarnosc union in developing its institutional organizing capacity, and in 2003 at an economic development roundtable for Balkan trade unionists.

"Ms. Mills also serves as executive director of the AFL-CIO Working for America Institute, an independent non-profit organization that works with unions, employers, labor-management partnerships, community organizations, and national, state, and local government on workforce and economic development programs. "[1]

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  1. solidaritycenter Nancy Mills, organizational web page, accessed April 18, 2012.