National Coal Ash Board

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{{#badges: CoalSwarm|Navbar-coalash}}The National Coal Ash Board of Israel states on its website that it "was established in 1993 with the objective of coordinating the effort at a national level to solve the problem of ash accumulation at the power plants, chose to deal with the problem by advancing the use of coal ash as a resource having economic value, in various sectors, as is done in most of the developed countries in the world."[1]

The board states that ash originates from the existing coal-fired Orot Rabin power station in Hadera, and the Rutenberg power station in Ashkelon.


The National Coal Ash Board is a signatory to the charter of the Worldwide Coal Combustion Products Network which was formed in 1999 to "promote, coordinate and inform the public, industry and governmental entities about the beneficial environmental, technical and commercial uses of coal combustion products (CCPs).[2]

Contact details

National Coal Ash Board
20 Lincoln St.
Tel-Aviv 67134
Tel: 972-3-6257000
Fax: 972-3-6257001

Articles and resources


  1. National Coal Ash Board, "The Grey Resource", National Coal Ash Board website, accessed June 2011.
  2. Worldwide Coal Combustion Products Network, "WWCCPN: A Short History", Worldwide Coal Combustion Products Network website, accessed June 2011.

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