National Prayer Breakfast

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{{#badges:stub}} The National Prayer Breakfast is an annual event put on by the Washington, D.C.-based political/religious Christian group The Fellowship, also known as "The Family." The National Prayer Breakfast is the group's signature event. It is typically attended by about 3,000 people, including dignitaries representing scores of nations from all over the world. Every U.S. president back to Dwight Eisenhower has attended the National Prayer Breakfast. According to Jeff Sharlet, who authored a book about the Fellowship and its influence on American and foreign politics, the Breakfast is an "event that appears to the world to be an official function of the federal government." Sharlet writes that when he attended the 2003 National Prayer Breakfast, he got his press credentials through the White House. In 2005, the Fellowship actually turned a profit on the Breakfast, taking in $47,000 more than it cost. Participants pay $425 each to attend.[1]

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