Neil Campbell

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Biographical Information

"Neil Campbell is responsible for developing the positions and profile of the Open Society Foundations on cross-cutting EU policy issues, and acts as deputy to the director on advocacy matters. He undertakes analysis and advocacy in the thematic areas of development, governance, and accountability in areas relevant to the EU and the Open Society Foundations, and he is also responsible for advocacy work on EU enlargement towards Turkey and the Western Balkan countries. He joined the Open Society Foundations in April 2010.

"Campbell holds a BA from Durham University and an MA in international studies and diplomacy from London University’s School of Oriental and African Studies. Before joining the Open Society Foundations, he was EU advocacy manager and senior research analyst (2003–2010) at the International Crisis Group, dealing with EU policies on conflict prevention and crisis management, and managing Crisis Group’s targeted advocacy in Brussels. He has published articles on a range of EU foreign policy issues and speaks French."[1]


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  1. Neil Campbell, organizational web page, accessed April 4, 2013.