Ng'ethe Maina

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Biographical Information

Ng’ethe is the founder and Executive Director of Social Justice Leadership/Center for Progressive Leadership. He worked for AGENDA, a grassroots community-based organization in Los Angeles, from its inception in early 1993, helping to develop it into a leading voice for poor people in struggles for social and economic justice.

"Ng’ethe began his career in the social justice field as a founding organizer at SCOPE, a grassroots community-based organization in Los Angeles, helping to develop it into a leading voice for poor people in struggles for social and economic justice. As a Senior Organizer, and eventually as Organizing Director, he helped lead successful economic justice campaigns to win jobs and training for poor people across the Los Angeles region, as well as set policy precedents for the use of public capital; he also helped pioneer cutting edge tools and technologies for social justice organizing. After more than 10 years at SCOPE, Ng’ethe moved to New York in 2003 to found and launch Social Justice Leadership. He brings to his position more than a decade of social justice organizing, and several years of transformative organizational change work. He has participated in extensive leadership trainings with the Rockwood Leadership Program and completed an executive coaching program with the Strozzi Institute."[1]


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  1. Social Justice Leadership Staff, organizational web page, accessed June 17, 2013.
  2. Center for Third World Organizing Board, organizational web page, accessed December 30, 2013.