Nicanor Perlas

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Biographical Information

"Nicanor Perlas is President of the Center for Alternative Development Initiatives (CADI) in Manila where he guides research and policy work on globalization, threefolding and their impacts on civil society, cultural power and sustainable development. He is also Board Member of the Life Bank - a bank involved in poverty eradication and sustainable development.

"Nicanor Perlas is former Civil Society Co-Chair of the Philippine Council for Sustainable Development (PCSD) and former Chairperson of the Civil Society Counterpart Council for Sustainable Development.

"He is Co-convenor of the Global Network for Social Threefolding (GlobeNet3) and was co-convener of the regional network: Asia-Pacific Sustainable Development Initiative (APSUD). Mr. Perlas is also the author of several books as well as over 100 articles and monographs on various topics, including globalization, sustainable development, civil society, philosophy of biology and science, biodynamic and sustainable agriculture, environment, spiritual science and a range of other topics.

"In recognition of the national and international impact of his work, Mr. Perlas was recently awarded the U.N. Environmental Program Global 500 Award for Sustainable Agriculture and The Outstanding Filipino (TOFIL) Award.

In 2003 he received the Alternative Nobel Prize." [1]


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  1. Club of Budapest Nicanor Perlas, organizational web page, accessed May 10, 2012.
  2. Presencing Institute People, organizational web page, accessed March 21, 2013.