Nicholas Janni

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Biographical Information

"Nicholas Janni has devoted his life to researching consciousness and human potential, initially through the arts, and subsequently in the field of leadership development. He was a theatre director for 25 years in his first career, and taught acting at RADA.

"Nicholas also studied drumming extensively in West Africa and Japan, trained for two years with a Zen meditation master, and apprenticed for 18 months with a Kahuna spiritual teacher in Hawaii. In 2001 he co-founded the arts-based leadership consultancy Olivier Mythodrama and has gained an international reputation over the last twelve years in transformational coaching and leadership development, bringing to these his expertise in ‘the zone’ of peak performance and multiple mind-body disciplines.

"He was a Visiting Fellow at The Cranfield School of Management for five years and is currently an Associate Fellow at The University of Oxford Said Business School. Clients include FedEx, Rolls Royce, Centrica, Lafarge, and senior levels of the civil service, including the UK permanent secretaries. Nicholas Janni, Director, Isreal Mythodrama; Co-founder, Olivier Mythodrama; Associate Fellow, Said Business School, University of Oxford." [1]


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  1. Institute for Transformational Futures Nicholas Janni, organizational web page, accessed June 14, 2013.