Nick Jenkins

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Biographical Information

Nick Jenkins joined ARK as Global CEO in November 2011, although he is no longer in this position. "After reading Russian at University, Nick spent eight years in Moscow working as a commodity trader for Glencore before leaving in 1998 to develop his own business while reading for an MBA at Cranfield University. Nick founded in 1999. The business grew into the world's largest online personalised greeting card business before it merged with in July 2011.

"Alongside his business Nick founded his own charitable foundation in 2010 as a grant giving charity with a focus on children's welfare, becoming involved with a number of charities in the UK, Africa and India as a result. Nick is an Enterprise Fellow of the Prince's Trust." [1]

He is know for being a "dragon" on the BBC Two business series Dragons' Den from 2015 to 2017.


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  1. ARK Team, organizational web page, accessed July 8, 2012.