Nick O'Donohoe

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Biographical Information

"Nick O’Donohoe is Chief Executive of Big Society Capital. Prior to taking this role he was at JP Morgan, latterly as Global Head of Research. He was responsible for the firm’s Equity, Credit, Interest Rate, FX and Commodities research groups in addition to the Economics research department. He was also a Member of the Management Committee of the Investment Bank and the Executive Committee of JP Morgan Chase, as well as the senior sponsor for JP Morgan’s Social Finance Unit, which invests in and delivers capital markets services to social enterprises around the world. He co-authored “Impact Investments: An Emerging Asset Class”, published by JP Morgan and the Rockefeller Foundation in November 2010. Prior to JP Morgan he worked at Goldman Sachs. He is a board member of the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN). "[1]

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  1. Big Society Capital People, organizational web page, accessed July , 2012.
  2. Bridges Ventures Advisory Board, organizational web page, accessed June 20, 2013.