Nick Seddon

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Biographical Information

Nick Seddon is a health advisor for David Cameron at Downing Street. [1]

"Nick is Deputy Director of Reform. Before joining Reform, Nick was Head of Communications at Circle, an employee-owned healthcare company. He has written op-eds and features for The Times, The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian, The Economist, The Spectator and Time Out, among others. He has lectured and debated widely and appeared frequently on national television and radio, from Breakfast news to Newsnight and the Today Programme to the Moral Maze. Nick has published a number of books and reports, including Who Cares?, about charities, and Quite Like Heaven?, about healthcare, which was described by The Spectator as "seminal". Nick is a Member of the Advisory Board of the National Council of Voluntary Organisations, a Member of the Advisory Board of Cass Business School, and until recently Chairman of the Directory of Social Change, an independent charity. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society for Arts."[1] [2]


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  1. Nick Seddon, organizational web page, accessed August 3, 2012.