Nick Tarsh

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Biographical Information

"After a career in international tourism, during which his company received a Queen's Award for Export Achievement, Nick Tarsh has been engaged in a number of local, national and international charities, as Chairman, Treasurer and Trustee. He was awarded an OBE for his work with Relate, Charities and the community in Richmond Surrey. He was a Trustee of Relate Richmond Kingston and Hounslow from 1984 - most of the time as Treasurer- and has been Chair of the national Relate charity since 2006. Other involvements were as Chairman of Richmond Shelter Group, SPEAR (Richmond's Homeless Charity), Richmond Parish Lands Charity, Tel Aviv University Trust, Rotary Club of London Charity Trust, Vice Chairman of Richmond Council for Voluntary Services and Trustee of Plan International UK. He is President of Clifton College and is a Barrister by profession. Whilst at Cambridge University he gained a First Class Law degree and a Rugby Blue."[1]


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  1. Relate Trustees, organizational web page, accessed June 26, 2012.