Nickles Group

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The Nickles Group, LLC[1] is a Washington, D.C. lobbying firm that was established in 2005 by former Senator Don Nickles, a conservative Republican from Oklahoma and an alumni of ALEC. Serving in the Senate for 24 years, he was responsible for deregulation of natural gas, repealing the 1980s windfall profits tax, repealing ergonomics regulation, and sponsoring the Defense of Marriage Act.[2] As Assistant Senate Minority Leader under Trent Lott, he was instrumental in defeating or watering down the Clinton administration's attempts to reform health care.[3] He was the author President Bush's 2003 economic growth package which cut capital gains and corporate dividend taxes to 15%.[4][5]Senator Nickles was a member of "The Family," an association of conservative christian lawmakers that was known for its house on C Street,[6] and received campaign contributions from the Koch brothers in the 1990's, through Triad Management Services. [7]

The Nickels Group's clientele and lobbying activities are a reflection and continuation of Don Nickle's career in the Senate, marked by consistent support for corporate interests affected by energy policy, health care policy, banking regulation, telecommunications and media policy, budget, tax, and economic policy.[8] The Nickles Group is listed among the law and lobbying firms supporting ALEC.

Nickles created a front group, the Copyright Alliance in 2007, which claims to speak for a broad range of copyright and intellectual property interests, with emphasis placed on creative individuals such as photographers and artists; it is, however, staffed by Nickles personnel, and follows an advocacy agenda similar to that of Nickle's telecom clients.


A partial list of Nickles Group clients includes:


The Nickles Group, LLC
601 13th St., NW
Suite 250 North
Washington, DC 20005

Phone:(202) 637-0214


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External resources


  1. The Nickles Group, LLC
  2. Senate of the United States. “Defense of Marriage Act. S.1999. 104th Congress, July 29, 1996. (PDF)" Library of Congress Web, accessed March 25, 2013
  3. "Holding Patients Hostage: the Unhealthy Alliance Between HMOs & Senate Leaders.(PDF)" Public Citizen, April 05, 2000. web, accessed June 03, 2013.
  4. The Nickles Group Don Nickles Who We Are, accessed November 9, 2009
  5. Nickels Group What We Do, Web page, accessed November, 9, 2009
  6. Jeff Sharlet, “Sex and Power inside The C Street House.” Salon Media Group, Inc. July 21, 2009. Web, accessed March 14, 2013
  7. Leslie Wayne, "Papers Link Donations to 2 on Senate Hearings Panel", New York Times, October 30, 1997. Web. Accessed June 03, 2013.
  8. The Nickels Group Areas of Expertise, Web page, accessed November 9, 2009