Nicole Baker Fulgham

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Biographical Information

"Nicole grew up in Detroit, where she saw the academic achievement gap in her neighborhood schools. After graduating from a Detroit public high school, Nicole went to the University of Michigan where her Christian faith became a central theme in her life. She joined Teach For America and taught fifth grade in Compton, California. It was there that she learned first hand about the deeply entrenched challenges in public schools. But she also saw her own 10 and 11-year old students achieve well beyond what was typically expected in any given school year. Nicole gained an unshakeable conviction that children in low-income communities can learn at the highest of levels.

"Nicole received her doctorate in urban education policy and teaching studies from the University of California, Los Angeles. She worked as a researcher for the Council of Great City Schools and then joined the senior leadership team of Teach For America. Nicole served as Vice President of New Site Development and later become Vice President of Teacher Preparation and Support, where she and her team were responsible for ensuring the effectiveness of 4000 urban and rural public school teachers each year. Prior to starting The Expectations Project, Nicole was Teach For America’s Vice President of Faith Community Relations."[1]


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  1. The Expectations Project Nicole Baker Fulgham, organizational web page, accessed October 1, 2012.
  2. Faith in Public Life People, organizational web page, accessed October 1, 2012.