Nigel J. Thrift

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Biographical Information

"Professor Nigel Thrift is the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Warwick. Prior to this he was the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research at the University of Oxford. Professor Thrift was made Head of the Division of Life and Environmental Sciences at Oxford in 2003, before which he chaired the Research Committee at The University of Bristol (2001 – 2003) and Bristol’s Research Assessment Panel (1997-2001).

"Professor Thrift was born in Bath, educated at Aberystwyth and Bristol and is one of the world’s leading human geographers and social scientists. During his academic career Professor Thrift has been the recipient of a number of distinguished academic awards including the Scottish Geographical Society Gold Medal in 2008, the Royal Geographical Society Victoria Medal for contributions to geographic research in 2003 and Distinguished Scholarship Honors from the Association of American Geographers in 2007. His current research spans a broad range of interests, including international finance; cities and political life; non-representational theory; affective politics; and the history of time (see Research Interests).

"Professor Thrift is an Academician of the Academy of Learned Societies for the Social Sciences, and was made a Fellow of the British Academy in 2003. Professor Thrift chaired Main Panel H of RAE 2008 from 2003-2006; was a member of the Panel for Geography for the RAE 2001; has been a member of the Leverhulme Prize Fellowship Geography Panel since 2000 and was a member of the ESRC Research Priorities Board between 2001 and 2005. He is a Visiting Professor of Geography at the University of Oxford and an Emeritus Professor of Geography at the University of Bristol."[1]

According to wikipedia: "In the financial year 2011–12, Thrift's salary rose by £50,000 to £288,000, a 21% increase over the previous year. Students claimed that the pay raise was unjustified in light of Warwick's performance in international university league tables. An online petition was set up calling for the university's Remuneration Committee to make a public statement of its justification for Thrift's salary increase, and for the university to allocate the increase toward bursaries for prospective students from low-income families. Their protests were rebuffed and in June 2013 when a pay rise of £42,000 (to £316,000) was announced, students again protested. The grounds were again that the raise went against university cutbacks to staff and student support/bursaries.[10] Strikingly, Thrift, although he stepped away from a marxist perspective some years ago, writes from a left-wing anti-neoliberal viewpoint in much of his academic work, challenging inequality and hard-line capitalism." wiki


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  1. nigelthrift Nigel J. Thrift, organizational web page, accessed December 10, 2013.