Nikki Owen

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Biographical Information

"Nikki has dedicated the last 21 years to the development of individuals working at all levels of large international organisations ranging from customer facing staff to board members, Country leaders and senior managers.

"Nikki is the creator of the award winning development toolkit – The Sales Activator® that won universal acclaim for changing the face of learning in the future. She has developed and implemented over 150 different customised learning solutions for organisations across all sectors and has a reputation for outstanding levels of innovation and creativity. Following a 32-year study into charisma and whether it can be replicated in others, Nikki developed and delivered her first public seminar held at Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre titled An Audience with Charisma that generated huge media interest. Nikki has discovered a way to increase an individual’s level of charisma within 48 hours and provide tangible evidence of increase. Nikki’s techniques including The Self-Esteem Gift Box™, The Symbol of Star Quality™ and Transcendental Drivers™ are at the frontiers of development. Nikki is a Master Practitioner and Certified Trainer of Neuro Linguistic Programming, Reiki Level 2 Practitioner, EFT Level 2 Practitioner and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner." [1]

"Nikki Owen, UK’s Leading Expert in Corporate Charisma, Rising Star 2011-2012 of the Academy for Chief Executives, explains the reasons why developing the charismatic potential of leaders, managers, high potentials, talent and client facing executives will directly impact on the bottom line." [2]


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  1. audiencewithcharisma Nikki Owen, organizational web page, accessed June 12, 2013.
  2. audiencewithcharisma Home, organizational web page, accessed June 12, 2013.