Nirtana Gloria Deckro

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Biographical Information

"Nirtana Gloria Deckro has been a traveler on the Sufi path for more than 30 years. After training as a physician in England, Nirtana lived in Sri Aurobindo’s ashram in Pondicherry, India, and then while engaged in a family practice residency program had an inner experience, which led to her coming to America and initiation into the Sufi Order. She spent 8 years developing, directing and evaluating programs for the Education Initiative of the Mind/Body Medical Institute in Boston which focused on training educators and health professionals to bring meditation into the work setting. Nirtana then built her own healing practice, offering meditation training and body-centered spiritual counseling for individuals and groups. In addition to raising a family, Nirtana is a retreat guide, healing conductor, senior teacher and graduate of the inaugural 4-year Suluk class. She has served as a mentor for both the one-year and 2-year Suluk programs and is currently Executive Director of Sufi Order International North America."[1]


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  1. Suluk Academy Faculty, organizational web page, accessed July 17, 2013.