Nkoyo Toyo

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Biographical Information

Nkoyo Toyo "is an MP for the PDP in Nigeria, and was formerly the Nigerian Ambassador to Ethiopia. She is a lawyer and development consultant, and in 1994 founded Gender and Development Action (GADA). She is Executive Director, and co-ordinates work around policy and programme, particularly related to gender awareness and women's equal participation in development.

"Nkoyo has undertaken a variety of consultancy roles on policy, gender and development issues (primarily in Nigeria, but elsewhere in Africa too). She has worked for many development partners, including the United Nations, World Bank, European Uion, DfID and UNIFEM. She has served as board member on many committees including that of the Commonwealth Foundation as a member of the Civil Society Advisory Committee and Board of Trustees.

"Nkoyo has been keenly interested in politics, and emerged as a candidate for the People's Democratic Party (PDP) at the April 2011 Nigerian elections." [1]

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  1. Oxfam GB Trustees, organizational web page, accessed April 20, 2012.