Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment

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The Californian Office of Environmental Health Hazards Assessment' (OEHHA) was a subsection of the Californian Environmental Protection Agency which was charged with the responsibility for California's famous Clean-air/Clean-water initiative known as Proposition 65.

The OEHHA was a lineal descendent of the Health Hazard Assessment Division (HHAD) of the Department of Health Services (DHS). The tobacco industry tried to challenge the rights of the OEHHA to conduct a risk assessment on tobacco smoke using legal arguments based on a formal transfer of powers here. [2]

Documents & Timeline

1992 Oct The OEHHA ad ARB ?? sponsored a workshop the the health effects and exposures of the public to second-hand smoke (ETS). In December of this year the Federal EPA released "The Respiratory Health Effects of Passive Smoking: Lung Cancer and Other Disorders." The OEHHA built on this and reviewed subsequent literature.

1998 Jan the Proposition 65 Scientific Advisory Panel make a finding that tobacco smoke had been shown to cause cancer and added ETS to the Prop 65 list of carcinogens in April 1988. See Chronology of events 1992-98 [3]