Osprey Orielle Lake

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Biographical Information

"Osprey Orielle Lake is Founder and President of the Women's Earth and Climate Caucus where she is working nationally and internationally with grassroots leaders, policy-makers, business people, and scientists to promote resilient communities, foster a post-carbon energy future, while also addressing societal transformation. She is the Founder and Co-Director of the International Women’s Earth and Climate Initiative, and is Co-Chair of the International Advocacy Working Group of the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature. Osprey has traveled to five continents studying ancient and modern cultures while making presentations at international conferences and universities. She is the Founder/Artist of the International Cheemah Monument Project, creating 18 foot bronze sculpture monuments for locations around the world, where people can ponder a better future for the earth and humanity.

"Awards include the National Women’s History Project Honoree, “Taking the Lead to Save our Planet” and the Woman of the Year Outstanding Achievement Award from the California Federation of Business and Professional Women. Her work has received recognition at CNN Headline News; the Campagna Rassegna Dell’Acqua (Review of the Water) Festival in Salerno, Italy; and the 10th International Film, Video & New Media Festival at the Detroit Museum of New Art. Osprey is the author of the award-winning book Uprisings for the Earth: Reconnecting Culture with Nature."[1]


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  1. Women’s Earth and Climate Caucus People, organizational web page, accessed December 21, 2013.