Oxnard LNG Terminal

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{{#badges:FrackSwarm|Navbar-LNGterminals}}Oxnard LNG Terminal was a proposed LNG import terminal of the coast of Ventura County, California, United States.


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Project Details

  • Owner: Clearwater Port
  • Parent: BHP Billiton
  • Location: Oxnard, California, United States
  • Coordinates: 34.191389, -119.1825 (approximate)
  • Capacity: 11.5 mtpa, 1.65 bcfd
  • Status: Cancelled
  • Type: Import
  • Start Year: Not applicable

Note: mtpa = million tonnes per year; bcfd = billion cubic feet per day


Oxnard LNG Terminal was a proposed LNG import terminal off the coast of Ventura County, California, United States.[1] The proposed liquefied natural gas project suffered its first major setback in April of 2007 when the California state Lands Commission voted against the plan after a day-long public hearing.[2] Later in 2010, the California State Lands Commission terminated the proposal after the company left the application dormant for more than a year. [3] Reasons for project abandonment cited by the company include the natural gas market and California's regulatory and design standards.

Project Opposition

Opposition to the proposed project came from residents and organizaitons in both Oxnard in Ventura County and Malibu in Los Angeles County, as well as many regional environmental organizations. [4] Environmentalists and community members opposing the facility claimed victory upon the project's cancellation. Linda Krop, chief counsel for the Environmental Defense Center said, "This is the second time in three years we have stopped an LNG project off our coast." [5] Upon the project's cancellation, those opposing the project said it's unlikely the company will try to develop another facility, as renewable markets and expand and energy conservation increases.

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