Pablo Solon

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Biographical Information

Pablo Solon is Executive Director of Focus on the Global South. "He was the former Bolivian ambassador, under the Evo Morales government, to the United Nations. As ambassador to the UN, he became known as a tireless advocate for the rights of nature; he delivered the now famous speech explaining why Bolivia chose to “stand alone” by not signing the Cancun climate agreement in 2010. Before holding this post, he had been a social activist involved in indigenous movements, workers’ unions, student associations, human rights and cultural organizations in his native Bolivia. He is also extensively involved in the global justice movement." [1]

Pablo Solón was named the 2011 international Human Rights Award winner by Global Exchange. He was the Executive Director of the Solon Foundation (1997-2005); foundation created for the preservation and promotion of the works and thoughts of his father, Walter Solón Romero, a renowned Bolivian muralist and social artist. [1]

His web site is


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  1. Focus on the Global South Staff, organizational web page, accessed December 18, 2013.