Patricia MacManaway

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Biographical Information

PATRICIA MacManaway (died in 2010) "was a gifted healer who, together with her husband Bruce MacManaway, set up and ran the West Bank Healing Centre in Strathmiglo, Fife in 1959. This became a hub of learning, meditation and all-round nurturing which, over the decades, attracted hundreds of students. The practice is carried on now by John MacManaway, eldest son of Bruce and Patricia... In the 1960s, Bruce and Patricia were given a cottage on Iona, where they were already much-loved regular visitors, and thereafter, family holidays continued to take them there. Just last summer, such an excursion was the highlight of Patricia's year.

"For several weeks after Bruce died – in 1988 – Patricia took groups of friends to Iona for weeks of meditation, walks and conviviality. I only got to know her in the mid-1990s, when, in spited of her being diagnosed with Parkinson's, she was still teaching yoga, as she had for nearly 30 years. But though she was exceptionally good at friendship, her chief job was in her family – her three sons, and three grandsons were joined in the last decade by her first granddaughter.

"Patricia's youngest son, Patrick, has been president of the British Society of Dowsers, and runs a successful practice so the work Bruce and Patricia started at West Bank carries on and spreads even wider, through the family and via the many people they have trained, influenced and encouraged." [1]

Her son is Patrick MacManaway.

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  1. Patricia MacManaway, organizational web page, accessed May 23, 2012.