Patrick Vernon

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Biographical Information

"Patrick is a former Chief Executive of the Afiya Trust, one of the leading race equality health charities in the country. Patrick has previously worked as a senior civil servant at the Department of Health and Local Government Association; Director of the Brent Health Action Zone (Brent Primary Care Trust),and Regional Director for MIND.

"He is also a former Non-Executive Director for the East London & the City Health Authority and Independent Chair of Westminster Partnership for Race Equality where he played a key role with the Met Police and the Muslim community with the aftermath of the 7/7 bombings in Westminster.

"Patrick is a Councillor in the London Borough of Hackney where he has previously chaired the Health Scrutiny Committee. Patrick was awarded an OBE in June 2012 as part of the Queen's Birthday Honours for his contribution in tackling health inequalities for ethnic minority communities."[1]


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  1. Healthwatch England Committee, organizational web page, accessed March 23, 2013.