Paula Ridley

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Biographical Information

"Paula is Chair of Civic Voice. She has been involved in the civic movement for over 30 years and is Hon. Vice President of Merseyside Civic Society, following many years as Hon. Secretary, where one of her key activities was helping to save the Albert Dock in Liverpool – the largest group of Grade 1 listed buildings in the country - from both dereliction and unsuitable development in the 1980s. She was Chair of the Victoria and Albert Museum from 1998 – 2007, Director of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and Chair of the Liverpool Housing Action Trust, a large housing regeneration scheme in Liverpool. Paula has had a long and varied career in both public and private sectors and throughout has always retained a keen interest in civic affairs, regeneration and architecture. Paula is Chair of the Liverpool Biennial of Contemporary Art, the National Student Drama Festival, and is on the board of the National Communities Resource Centre. Paula is a CBE and a Fellow of the RIBA."[1]

Paula Ridley was Chair of the Liverpool Housing Action Trust regenerating Liverpool’s high-rise housing between 1993-2005.


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  1. Civic Voice PEople, organizational web page, accessed October 12, 2012.