Peggy C Carter

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Peggy Carter was the Media Relations Manager and spokesperson for R.J. Reynolds Tobacco in the mid 1990s. In this position she was involved in most of the misinformation campaigns and deceptions that the tobacco industry engaged in. RJ Reynolds had begun to challenge Philip Morris for at least an equal standing in the direction of the battle to retain the rights to preserve cigarette sales by the mid 1990s.

Documents & Timeline

1994 Peggy Carter was spokeswoman for R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company and Winston-Salem in 1994. (LAT 8/13/94; AP 9/18/94). Spokeswoman re: R.J. Reynolds's suit against Capi? Cities/ABC Inc. in 1994 (WSJ 6/15/94). Carter says, "We in the tobacco industry are parents, brothers, sisters, children somebody . . . We're caring people" (AP 6/18/94).

1996 June 7 Steve Milloy of TASSC is now e-mailing copy, but still using his his CAIS office E-mail ( The Email carries a junk-science address under the heading


This is a 9 page document addressed initially to Chris Coggins at RJ Reynolds -- it consisted of the index for the Junk Science web page for the week of June 6 1996.

He is focussing on President Bill Clinton's problems with Paula Jones and linking the scandals to Agent Orange. This is basically expanded headlines plus a smart Milloy comment tacked on, although some items on hazardous waste claims are expanded into short articles.

He also praises Marcia Angell at the New England Journal of Medicine who has published a speical article...

... railing about the travesty of the breast implant controversy, including the associated junk science . Of course, I applaud Dr. Angell for taking notice of junk science -- in fact she links junk science with other issues including asbestos, diethylstilbestrol (DES), Benedictin, the Dalkon shield, Agent Orange, Alar-treated apples, radon and electromagnetic fields.

Much later this email copy was forwarded to Robert Meyne (RJR PR) and also Peggy Carter (Media Relations). [2]

NOTE: Milloy's original email still carries the EOP Group fax number ... so the EOP Group, APCO, and Philip Morris are all behind the Milloy-junk-science scam. He also seems to need RJR approval for his activities.


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