Peggy Clark

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Biographical Information

"Peggy Clark is the Executive Vice President for Policy Programs at the Aspen Institute and the Executive Director of Aspen Global Health and Development in Washington, D.C. From 1991 to 2000, she founded and served as the Executive Director of the Economic Opportunities Program at the Aspen Institute, and received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Microenterprise Development from President Bill Clinton. Prior to Aspen, she served as Co-Chair of the Women's Program Forum at the Ford Foundation. She also served as Program Officer for Women and Employment Grants in the Foundation's Rural Poverty division. From 1985 to 1988, Ms. Clark directed the Small Scale Enterprise at the Save the Children Federation.

"Ms. Clark graduated with Honors from Colgate University with a BA in Anthropology and Fine Arts, and she earned her Masters from Johns Hopkins University School of International Studies in International Economics and Latin American Economic Development. She also serves on the board of the Paraprofessional Healthcare Institute in the South Bronx."[1]


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  1. Calvert Foundation Board, organizational web page, accessed May 6, 2012.