Peggy Dylan

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Biographical Information

"At sixteen she was recognised as a future spiritual Master by Sadguru Keshavadas, a living Indian Saint and mystic. Sadguru Keshavadas then taught Peggy through an intensive spiritual apprenticeship, which took her to ashrams in India and shamans in South and North America.

"Peruvian shaman Don Narso initiated her into the healing world of shamanism and taught her the unlimited capacities that humans have to alter external reality. Peggy went on to found Sundoor School of Transpersonal Education, an organisation from which she could pass on her lineage and sacred gifts. She brought the healing and empowering ritual of Firewalking to the West. Her capacities have also influenced the business world, with Fortune 500 companies like Microsoft and American Express calling on her skills to create incomparable results.

"Peggy Dylan offers workshops and experiences that quite literally re-write the potential of you and your surrounding reality. She carries a pure lineage of wisdom and transfers a tangible light of love that creates springtime for your heart and soul.

"Her primary course Sundoor Initiation is the week that people having attended describe as the ‘week that changed their life’. Spiritdance ventures into a territory of healing and sustainable bliss that will be the roots of living a life from beauty and pure joy. You also leave Spiritdance with the capacity to ‘pass it on’. Peggy’s Firewalking and Motivational Coach Training provides you with unimaginable tools and capacity to deliver dynamic workshops that will transform people’s lives. Wild Grace is a rare chance for women to work with Peggy and Native American Shaman Maria Trevizo, a feminine Journey into Power and Beauty."[1]


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  1. Lendrick Lodge Peggy Dylan, organizational web page, accessed January 3, 2013.
  2. Lendrick Lodge Teachers, organizational web page, accessed January 3, 2013.