Penny Young

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Biographical Information

"Penny Young is Chief Executive of NatCen. Before joining NatCen, Penny was Head of Audiences at the BBC Trust, the body which represents licence fee payers. As Head of Audiences, Penny managed a programme of consumer research, public participation, consultation and engagement to ensure that consumer perspective was at the heart of the Trust's decision making.

"Before working for the BBC, Penny was the Research Director of Which?, the consumer campaigner and publisher of the Which? stable of magazines and online content.

"Prior to this, she worked in the BBC in a variety of roles, including managing radio audience research. This won't be Penny's first time at NatCen, she spent two years in the organisation at the beginning of her career. Penny also spent three years at the Office of National Statistics." [1]

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  1. NatCen Social Research Penny Young, organizational web page, accessed October 11, 2012.