Personhood Colorado

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{{#badges:stub}} Personhood Colorado is a group of people in Colorado that seeks to alter the state constitution to declare a fertilized human egg a human being, and assign fertilized human eggs all the rights and responsibilities of existing human beings. Personhood Colorado is advancing Amendment 62, a ballot initiative in Colorado that would declare fertilized human eggs "persons." The group's Web site says its goal for the ballot measure "is very simple, END ABORTION NOW by protecting all innocent human life from the beginning of biological development."[1][2]

The group only approves of barrier methods of contraception.[3]

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External resources


Personhood Colorado
PO Box 486
Arvada, Colorado 80001
Phone: 202-595-3500


  1. Personhood Colorado Questions About Personhood?, organizational Web site, accessed July 27, 2010
  2. Electa Draper Backers of Colorado personhood amendment unveil strategy, Denver Post, July 26, 2010
  3. Personhood Colorado Questions About Personhood?, organizational Web site, accessed July 27, 2010