Peter Fenwick

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Biographical Information

"Peter was educated at Trinity College Cambridge where he obtained an Honours Degree in Natural Science. His clinical medical training was carried out at St Thomas's Hospital in London. After obtaining experience in neurosurgery he specialised in psychiatry. He is Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Psychiatry, Consultant Neurophysiologist at Radcliffe Infirmary in Oxford, and Honorary Consultant in Neurophysiology to Broadmoor Special Hospital. He has published numerous scientific papers on brain function and also several papers on meditation and altered states of consciousness. He is also President of the UK branch of the International Association of Near-Death Studies, reflecting his special interest in this field. He lectures widely in England, on the Continent and in the US on brain disorders and has made many appearances on radio and television. His most recent book is The Truth in the Light."[1]


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  1. Scientific and Medical Network Vice Presidents, organizational web page, accessed September 2, 2012.
  2. Journal of Consciousness Studies [1], organizational web page, accessed June 1, 2013.