Peter Holbrook

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Biographical Information

"Peter Holbrook is Chief Executive of Social Enterprise UK. Social Enterprise UK’s key activities are centred on informing and influencing the policy agenda, promoting the benefits of social enterprise and undertaking research to expand the social enterprise evidence base.

"Prior to taking on this role Peter was CEO of Sunlight Development Trust which works to tackle long-standing health and social inequalities. Starting out as project manager, Peter developed 'project sunlight' from its inception to become one of the country's most high profile and award winning 'community anchors’.

"In 2007, Peter was appointed to be one of the UK's Social Enterprise Ambassadors - a scheme supported by the Cabinet Office and coordinated by Social Enterprise UK. In this role he advocated for social enterprise through lobbying politicians, speaking at events and representing the sector in the media."[1]


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  1. Social Enterprise UK Peter Holbrook, organizational web page, accessed December 16, 2013.