Peter Mallaburn

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Biographical Information

"Peter started his academic career in 1985 as a research associate at University College London. For his PhD he studied the physiology and control of plants parasites attacking African food crops.

"Peter joined the scientific Civil Service in 1990, responsible for a range of research issues including acid rain deposition, urban air pollution and health and climate prediction. Peter was the UK IPCC lead contact for the 1995 Second Assessment Report.

"Peter moved into mainstream climate policy in 1996. He represented the UK in the EU, OECD and IEA. He led the development of the business aspects of the first UK Climate Change Programme in 1999 and founded the Carbon Trust in 2001. Peter left the government in 2002 to become the Trust’s first Head of Government Affairs.

"In 2006 Peter left the Carbon Trust to be Chief Executive of Salix Finance, an independent company funded by government to invest in public sector low carbon projects. Peter established the company, recruited it’s staff and secured £30m of start-up funding from DEFRA.

"When Salix was up and running Peter left in 2008 to fulfil a lifetime’s ambition to set up his own consultancy company, Policy to Practice Ltd. He now works with a range of clients to help them understand climate policy and how to make the most of it." [1]

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  1. Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development ‎Peter Mallaburn, organizational web page, accessed May 29, 2013.