Philip Chamberlain

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"Philip brings a wealth of retail experience to the role, gained working with prominent European clothing brand C&A. He began working with the retailer as a graduate, at the time when it was a major player on the British high street. He has held a number of senior positions within the company including Singapore-based General Manager for sourcing in Asia, Head of Global Sourcing for C&A Europe and Head of Sustainable Business Development.

"Philip also has a strong background in linking business to social responsibility; he is a corporate representative on the Bangladesh Accord Steering Committee, which was established to improve health and safety conditions within Bangladesh’s garment sector. He notably established the Mondial Initiative for Social Development (a pre-cursor to the C&A Foundation), which financed a significant number of social projects in C&A’s sourcing countries. Most recently, Philip was part of a delegation of brands and trade unions that met with the Cambodian government, voicing support for raised wage levels in the garment sector. He has also served as a corporate representative on ETI’s Board."[1]


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  1. ethicaltrade Philip Chamberlain, organizational web page, accessed February 19, 2015 .