Philip Colligan

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Biographical Information

"Philip Colligan is the Executive Director of Nesta’s Innovation Lab, which is working with innovators in public services, civil society and business to develop radical new responses to some of the most pressing social and economic challenges. Philip joined Nesta in May 2010... Philip sits on a number of advisory and funding bodies, including the Board of the Centre for London at Demos and the Advisory Committee of Big Society Capital...Before joining Nesta he worked for the London Borough of Camden and the Home Office...He has a degree in law from the University of Liverpool and qualifications in management and finance." [1]

"Philip was previously Camden’s Assistant Chief Executive for four years where he established the Camden Strategy Unit, the strategic centre of the Council responsible for strategy and planning, performance, innovation, efficiency and communications. Before joining Camden, Philip worked at the Home Office where he held a number of senior policy roles, including on youth justice reform, religious issues and community cohesion. He was also private secretary to the permanent secretary, Sir John Gieve and led the Home Office change programme." [2]

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  1. NESTA Philip Colligan, organizational web page, accessed October 10, 2012.
  2. Transition Institute Founding Advisory board, organizational web page, accessed December 16, 2013.