Philip Sansone

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Biographical Information

"Philip is the President and Executive Director of Whole Planet Foundation... As an entrepreneur in Austin, Texas, Philip founded Book People – one of the largest independent bookstores in the country, which he owned and managed for 20 years. He continues to serve on the Book People board. Philip was also the director of Multimedia, a business unit of In the international development arena, Philip managed community development projects for the Peace Corps, USAID, a US State Department funded NGO in Afghanistan and other non-governmental organizations (NGO's) in both Latin America and Asia.

"As an agribusiness specialist, Philip worked for seven years with small subsistence farmers in Latin America and Central Asia to develop alternative crop introduction, agricultural marketing and agricultural cooperatives. He was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Honduras where he worked with the Misquito Indians for three years on the Patuca River in La Mosquitia, and in Paraguay for four years helping to start agricultural cooperatives. Philip has a BBA from Texas Tech University, is conversant in Spanish and can exchange basic pleasantries in Guarani and Misquito. Philip is a firm believer in the power of free markets, honest yet limited government and “conscious capitalism” to create prosperity and individual dignity." [1]

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  1. Whole Planet Foundation Board, organizational web page, accessed April 4, 2012.