Pierre Van Hoeylandt

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Biographical Information

"Mr. Pierre Hoeylandt is employed at Afghanistan Renewal Fund in the position of Founder. He founded Acap Partners in 2004. He was previously employed at McKinsey. " [1]

Afghanistan and Venture Capital

In June 2004 it was reported that: "Afghanistan may soon have its first venture capital fund as a former McKinsey & Co. manager tries to raise $50 million as the south Asian country emerges from more than two decades of conflict.

"The Afghanistan Renewal Fund will invest in fledgling construction, food, textiles and furniture manufacturing companies, according to a document for potential backers. The Asian Development Bank said it may commit $12.5 million and CDC Group Plc, a government-owned U.K. company, may put in $5 million." Pierre Hoeylandt headed the Fund. [2] criticism


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  1. businessweek Pierre Van Hoeylandt, organizational web page, accessed June 19, 2012.
  2. bloomberg Afghanistan's First Venture Capital Fund Seeks $50 Million, organizational web page, accessed June 19, 2012.
  3. Technoserve Europe Board, organizational web page, accessed June 19, 2012.