Poonam Muttreja

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Poonam Muttreja is Director of MacArthur Foundation's "India Office and is responsible for all Population & Reproductive Health grants in India.

"Prior to joining the Foundation in 1994, Muttreja worked briefly with UNDP in India and helped develop a NGO strategy for that organization. In Cambridge, Massachusetts, Muttreja directed an environmental program concerned with orienting policy makers on issues of development, environment and poverty (1986-1992). She also taught courses on social action and human development at both Hampshire College (Spring 1992) in Maine and Earlham College (Fall 1992) in Indiana. Muttreja was active in the NGO sector in India. She was Founding Director of Ashoka Foundation, a society that works with artisans, and SRUTI, a society that awards fellowships to development activists (1978-1986).

Muttreja has a Master's Degree in Public Administration (1991) from Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government and a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology (1977) from the University of Delhi." [1]

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  1. Population and Reproductive Health Staff, MacArthur Foundation, accessed November 2, 2008.