Pramila Jayapal

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Biographical Information

"Pramila Jayapal is the founder and Executive Director of OneAmerica. She is an immigrant from India and has spent over twenty years working for social justice, both internationally and domestically. Under her leadership, OneAmerica has achieved significant policy change in Washington State, leading efforts to win numerous victories for immigrants including: a New Americans Executive Order signed by Washington Governor Chris Gregoire, a comprehensive plan to address the needs of immigrant communities in Seattle, an ordinance preventing any City of Seattle employee from inquiring about immigration status, and numerous resolutions at the city and county level upholding the human rights and dignity of immigrants and affirming the need for comprehensive immigration reform. Also under her leadership, OneAmerica has engaged in the first large-scale immigrant voter registration program in the state, registering tens of thousands of new citizens to vote and organizing within immigrant communities to engage and involve immigrants in democracy. Nationally, Pramila has helped to lead the fight for due process and comprehensive immigration reform, serving as Vice Chair of the Rights Working Group national coalition as well as on the Executive Committee of the Fair Immigration Reform Movement. In 2008, she was appointed by Governor Gregoire as Vice Chair of the New Americans Policy Council...

"Prior to founding OneAmerica, Pramila served as Director of the Fund for Technology Transfer for The Program for Appropriate Technology (PATH), operating across Asia, Africa and Latin America; as a Fellow in India for the Institute of Current World Affairs; and as a nonprofit consultant. She has a Masters in Business Administration from Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management and a Bachelor of Arts in English and Economics from Georgetown University. She is the author of numerous essays and articles and a memoir, Pilgrimage to India: A Woman Revisits Her Homeland. Pramila was born in India and came to the United States in 1982. She became a U.S. citizen in 2000, and lives with her husband and one son in Seattle."[1]


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  1. OneAmerica Pramila Jayapal, organizational web page, accessed April 25, 2012.
  2. Orion Magazine Advisors, organizational web page, accessed April 25, 2012.