Prash Patel

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Biographical Information

"Prash started his career in his family’s London-based photographic business in 1985 where he first learnt how to manage a business. He started out on his own in 1989 when he took on the role of a distributor for an American company marketing environmental products. Here, Prash quickly added important sales, marketing and leadership skills to the commercial experience he had already acquired.

"He used his knowhow to quickly build a reputation as a creative and hard-working marketing professional throughout the nineties; from helping to expand the environmental products company’s distribution channel across twelve countries and generating over $200 million in sales, to co-founding and building a company into an industry leader in high-performance business education within two years of launching.

"By 1999, Prash had co-founded an online technology company with a progressive vision to consolidate and digitise the discount coupon industry. He was instrumental in securing a start-up investment of $5,000,000 by successfully listing the company on NASDAQ.

"He achieved yet another important milestone when he was part of a team that won the British Government’s “A Healthier Britain 2004″ initiative for bringing an innovative, personalised nutritional service to the British public. In 2005, Prash joined the board of an online gaming company based in Malta as Head of Sales and Marketing. There he designed and executed a launch strategy that generated over $1 million in sales in the first 90 days of trading. Today, the company has members across 23 countries.

"Prash joined the board of Choice Point in February 2011 and brings with him a broad spectrum of skills and business experience. His core strengths lie in taking innovative start up ideas off the drawing board, creating commercially viable brands for them, putting solid operational infrastructures in place and implementing effective sales & marketing strategies to achieve market-leader status in the shortest possible time-frame."[1]


Resources and articles

Related Sourcewatch

  • Total Being, preferred partner of the Government's 'A Healthier Britain 2004 Initiative'


  1. Choice Point Movement Team, organizational web page, accessed January 3, 2013.