Progressive Bag Affiliates

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{{#badges: front groups}} Progressive Bag Affiliates is the new name of the plastics industry front group, the "Progressive Bag Alliance," which was created to fight municipal ordinances banning plastic grocery bags. Progressive Bag Affiliates is an arm of the American Chemistry Council.

For information on the history, strategies and tactics of Progressive Bag Affiliates, see the SourceWatch article on Progressive Bag Alliance.

Sourcewatch resources

External resources


Progressive Bag Alliance
c/o Edelman Public Relations (Operates PBA for the American Chemistry Council)
Dave Vermillion (212) 704-5476
E-mail: (Substitute an "@" sign for the word "AT")

American Chemistry Council
Jennifer Killinger
Phone: (703) 741-5833
Email: (Substitute an "@" sign for the word "AT")

or (Substitute an "@" sign for the word "AT")