Progressive Policy Council

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{{#badges: Front groups}} The Progressive Policy Council is "organized to educate the public and to advocate for progressive public policy solutions to contemporary social issues. Through education and outreach the organization will appeal to the public and to community leaders to support sound and progressive policies related to health policy, social welfare policy and government reform policy," the single page found on its website states. [1]


Jason Torchinsky is "behind the Progressive Policy Council, the phony group behind a mailer that's gone out to an untold number of Pennsylvania voters in an apparent attempt to sour liberal voters on" Democratic Party candidate Bob Casey, TMP Muckraker's Paul Kiel reported October 31, 2006.

The mailer, Kiel wrote, "provides bullet points to show that Democrat Bob Casey and Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA) are both against gay marriage, stem cell research, and 'common sense gun controls."

The mailer was sent via presorted bulk mail, postage paid (Permit Number 445), from Horsham, Pennsylvania. [2]

"Records with the Virginia State Corporation Commission show that the group's charter was filed by a man named" Jason Torchinsky of HoltzmanVogel PLLC, Kiel wrote October 31, 2006.

"[I]nstead of listing directors, a registered agent, any other identifying information, only CT Corporation is listed. A woman at CT told [Kiel] that they had a confidentiality agreement with their clients and could not provide [him] with any information. ... The mailer only provides a P.O. Box in Arlington, Virginia."

Additionally, although "the group claims to be a not-for-profit, they appear not to be registered with the IRS," Kiel wrote October 30, 2006.


The domain name PROGRESSIVEPOLICYCOUNCIL.ORG was created June 12, 2006, according to WHOIS. Registration is private and protected via Domain Discreet at P.O. Box 278, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada B5A 4B2.

Contact Information

P.O. Box 12029
Arlington, Virginia 22219
Email: yourvoice AT

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