Protecting America's Retirees

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{{#badges:stub}} Protecting America's Retirees is a "Super PAC" that in November, 2010 filed a letter with the Federal Elections Commission declaring their intent to take unlimited contributions from any source. The AFL-CIO in a blog described the group as "an independent project of the Alliance for Retired Americans. Protecting America's Retirees disclosed modest 2010 mid-term election campaign expenditures of $157,000. Funds were aimed at six House races. The group backed winners in three of the races. The individuals the group supported were all Democrats. The group reported two contributions in 2010, both from the Alliance of Retired Americans, which, as a 501(c)4 organization, is not required to disclose its donors. [1][2][3][4]

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  1. Bill Allison Two groups file as Super PACs, Sunlight Foundation Reporting Group, December 1, 2010
  2. Mike Hall Work Till 70? Yes, if Boehner and Republicans Have Their Way, AFL-CIO NOW Blog, October 26, 2010
  3. Sunlight Foundation Reporting Group Following the Unlimited Money, Protecting America's Retirees, Committee Expenditures, accessed December 7, 2010
  4. Sunlight Foundation Reporting Group FEC letter PROTECTING AMERICA'S RETIREES - intent to accept unlimited contributions, accessed December 7, 2010